The PACES partnership consists of eight organisations from 5 different European countries. The consortium brings together diverse expertise in several domains in the area of civil protection preparedness.

Cyprus Civil Defence (CCD)
Cyprus Civil Defence (CCD) is the governmental agency in charge of the protection of the people of Cyprus under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Cyprus. It has a long line of experience in disaster relief for natural disasters, which occurred on the island of Cyprus such as earthquakes, forest fires, draughts, floods, and severe rainstorms. Cyprus, through CCD, actively participates in the Community Civil Protection Mechanism and harmonizes, where necessary, national policies and programs.

The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is one of the largest research centers of Greece with well-organised facilities and highly qualified staff. The research and technological focus of the foundation is centered on selected areas of great scientific, social, and economic interest. The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) since 1983, plays a leading role in worldwide efforts towards the deployment and adoption of Information Society Technologies. TheComputer Medicine Laboratory has established a tradition of internationally acknowledged excellence in conducting high-level R&D work and in developing innovative systems and services.

Decentralized Administration of Crete - Civil Protection Directorate
Decentralized Administration of Crete – Civil Protection Directorate. The Decentralized Administration of Crete implements the central state policy at the regional level. The main aim of the Civil Protection Directorate, that is located in Heraklion Crete, is the protection of the population and of the environment from natural, technological and other disasters, the minimization of these disasters’ impact through the coordination of all the units involved and the planning to confront any natural or human-induced risk.

Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.)
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.) was founded in 1983, as the state responsible authority for planning the earthquake policy at all levels and monitoring its implementation (Law. 1349/1983). Briefly, the seismic mitigation policy can be delineated by the following main priority actions:
- Strengthening the seismic capacity of structures and critical infrastructures through seismic design codes.
- Implementing seismic risk assessment and supporting all the related issues, such as developing and funding the National Seismological Network & the National Accelerometric Network, publishing Neotectonic Maps, etc.
- Planning and promoting the seismic mitigation and preparedness policy through informative material, seminars, workshops etc.
- Collaborating with all the involved parties by giving technical consultation and scientific support in the field of seismic risk management.
- Supporting the applied earthquake research (funding scientific projects at subjects relevant to the earthquake risk, participating in several projects, etc).

DMAT Consulting KG
DMAT Consulting KG works in the field of Disaster Management, Advice and Training and offers:
- Advice and Prevention: Advice in preventive measures for disaster management operations
- Planning/Evaluation/Organization/Coordination: Disaster control and emergency planning and evaluation, planning/organizing
- Assistance during disasters and tenders: Assistance with advice and expertise for nat. and int. disaster management operations, Assistance for tenders in the field of disaster, crisis and security
- Training and Lectures: Individual training and lectures for disaster management
- Research and Studies: Research and studies in Disaster Management, leadership, socio-economic effects of disaster, national and international disaster response laws, legal aspects in Peace Support Operations etc….
DMAT´s involvement in EU Civil Protection, FP 7 and Horizon 2020 projects: EUTAC (European Technical Assistance Cooperation), EURAMET (European Aerial Medical Evacuation Team), EURETS (European Emergency Temporary Shelter), GEO-PICTURES (GMES and Earth Observation combined with Position based Image and sensor Communications Technology for Universal Rescue, Emergency and Surveillance), BEATLES (BGAN Enhanced Alphasat Technology and L-band Extended Spectrum), VISEO-FUSION (Video/Image/Sensor/EO – FUSION), SPARTACUS (Satellite Based Asset Tracking for Supporting Emergency Management in Crisis Operations) and H2020 GEO-VISION(GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks).

The Civil Protection Department of Malta
The Civil Protection Department of Malta was set up in 2000, following the enactment of the Civil Protection Act XV,1999 through Malta’s parliament. The scope of the Department is to work in the field of disaster management to protect human lives, property and the environment. In this respect, the Department is tasked with a number of functions such as drawing up contingency plans, maintain a fire and rescue force, organising Civil Protection training, promote public awareness on Civil Protection, prepare regulations to be able to respond to national emergencies and participate in International Humanitarian aid initiatives
The Assistance and Rescue Force has a total staff complement of 120 who operate from six different stations in Malta and one in Gozo. The members of this Force have to deal with everyday operations ranging from domestic fires and rescue interventions to specialised tasks, such as hazardous substance control and technical diving operations. In fact each year, the Department is called to intervene to an average of 6000 emergencies yearly.

The Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC)
The Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) is a structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers established with Law no 225 /1992. It steers the National Service of Civil Protection, which includes local authorities, research institutes, private companies, volunteers associations and all Italian operational forces. During major emergencies, it ensures horizontal (line Ministries) and vertical (central-local) coordination. It has a guiding role, in cooperation with regional and local governments, for risk prevention, forecasting and monitoring activities as well as for emergency preparedness and for intervention procedures in cases of on-going or upcoming crisis events. To this purpose, it counts on a well-developed network of risk monitoring and forecasting centres (one in each region, plus the central one located in the DPC premises and with a coordination role) which work closely with the local branches of the National Service of Civil Protection and the scientific community as well as on a national inter-institutional operational room, where all the operational forces are present 24/7. It promotes drills, national and international training projects and activities that contribute to spreading the culture of civil protection based on prevention and preparedness rather than only response. The Italian Civil Protection Department, which is based in Rome, consists of around 780 professionals fully employed by the Italian Civil Protection Department. DPC operates at the international level, in co-operation with similar institutions of other Countries in a context of European collaboration, and supports the Union Civil Protection Mechanism interventions with its own capacities. Being also the coordinator of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, DPC is fully involved in the development of multi-level and inter-institutional coordination in the wider field of disaster risk reduction, in accordance with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus University of Technology. At the undergraduate level, our Department offers Bachelors of Engineering degrees in (a) Civil Engineering and (b) Geomatics. At the graduate level, we offer a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Design, as well as Doctoral degrees in Civil Engineering and Geomatics. Our Department provides you with excellent opportunities to participate in challenging research projects at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This research experience will complement and strengthen your educational experience. Our Department has participated in several research projects funded from various sources such as MARIE-QURIE (ITN), FP6, FP7, INTERREG, LIFE+, EUREKA, MED, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation etc. The faculty of the Civil Engineering and Geomatics has achieved within the last 5 years a reputable level of research activity with more than 35 research grants as coordinators and partners from local and European grants.